

오판 방지를 위한 범인식별 방법에 관한 검토


A Study on the Criminal Identification Methods for the Prevention of Misjudgment


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



There are cases when testimony by a witness is the sole and substantial evidence identifying the criminal. In this situation, cases are bound to occur when errors in the criminal identification process for the witness lead to the danger of misjudgment. The examiner must not only use various examination techniques depending on the characteristics of the examination subject, but also hold knowledge on the problems of human memory. The examiner must acquire information about the past from the witness, and must therefore know the influence which the working process and the weakness of the memory exert on the interviewee's testimony. The witness's memory is forgotten and distorted by various causes of change and leads to a wrong testimony; the witness is confident in his state of non-awareness regarding his memory errors, and becomes trapped in the illusion that he is testifying accurately. There are many criminal identification methods to minimize the errors of the witness's weak memory and hence reduce misjudgment. One of the more frequently used methods in the developed world including in the U.S. and the U.K. is the lineup method. In Korea's case, the police established the "Detailed Process Guideline in Criminal Identification" in 2005 but reality is that it is barely used in practical work. Along with the recent amendment of the Criminal Trial Law, the customary record-based investigation of the past must be improved. If methods identifying the criminal through a criminal identification process using the lineup method from the beginning stage of the investigation can be systematized, the credibility of the investigation agencies' investigation will improve. This paper introduces many criminal identification methods and suggests that among them the lineup method stands out as a useful criminal identification process to prevent misjudgment.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 오판 방지를 위한 범인식별 방법
  1. 개인식별에 관한 이론적 기초
  2. 단독면접
  3. 선면수사
  4. 전산화된 Mug book의 효용성과 이격(耳擊)진술35)과의 관계
 Ⅲ. 라인업(Lineup, parade)
  1. 인물 동일성에 관한 목격진술의 적격성 검토
  2. 라인업 절차의 전문 담당자 역할
  3. 라인업의 공정성 확보 방법
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 김영수 Young Su, Kim. 국방부 조사본부 수사과장(법학박사)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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