Analysis of Land-use Density of Railroad Station and Vicinity Areas for Transit-Oriented Development: Focusing on the Great Train Express Case
The Great Train Express, so called GTX introduced recently, is considered very high ripple effect in terms of metropolitan urban structure and user behavior of transport systems. At the moment, the first factor to be reviewed is public transport nodes and development density which are planning elements for TOD to succeed the Great Train Express project. In this study, density of railway station (including the GTX) is analyzed by hierarchical. It is showed that the development density has been gradually declined according to high capacity rail services and in order of Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi. The study also suggests TOD implementation strategy of metropolitan area in Korea.
1. 서론
1.1 연구 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구방법 및 기존 연구와의 차별점
2. 수도권 광역급행철도와 TOD 계획요소
2.1 수도권 광역급행철도
2.2 TOD 개념
2.3 TOD 계획요소 및 적용가능 지역
3. 수도권 역세권 및 광역급행철도 토지이용 밀도 분석
3.1 분석방법 및 지표
3.2 분석자료
3.3 분석결과
3.4 수도권 광역급행철도의 TOD 적용방안 검토
4. 결론
감사의 글