Study of Collective Intelligence Communities for Translation.
Globalization has been greatly facilitated by advancement in telecommunications and information technology. Thus supported, it has enabled immediate sharing of knowledge and information across the globe regardless of national borders. Simultaneously, the spread of education and democracy has helped individuals collect information and more easily make independent judgments based on their own knowledge. In the recent past, the public used to be only information consumers. Today, with the advancement of web 2.0, they are also information producers, and they assemble in cyberspace to share and create knowledge across national borders, thus forming collective intelligence. Collective intelligence activities are conducted on the internet for various purposes in many areas. This paper explores how collective intelligence is used for translation, particularly how different internet communities for translation are organized. This paper analyzes and compares five translation communities at home and abroad that use collective intelligence and translate from(to) English into(from) Korean, and it presents those communities' features based on the framework defined based on the theories of Pierre Levy, James Surowiecki, and Charles Leadbeater.
1. 서론
2. 집단지성의 정의와 사례
2.1 집단지성의 정의
2.2 집단지성 발휘 조건
2.3 집단지성 사례
3. 번역 관련 집단지성 커뮤니티 연구
3.1 분석 대상
3.2 분석 방법
3.3 분석 시행
3.4 분석 결과
4. 결론 미치 향후 연구 과제
4.1 결론 및 의의
4.2 향후 연구 과제