

검정콩이 두피 및 모발 건강에 미치는 영향 고찰


Effect of Blackbeans to Improve Scalp Health

김선희, 장미혜, 엄애선

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Disorders of the scalp, which is similar to skin, develop in various forms and are difficult to cure. Food ingredients have been known to be safe and effective in improving the health of hair and scalp and are constantly researched in cosmetic industries as a beauty treatment. This study is to review papers on isoflavone and anthocyan in blackbeans. Among many nutritional ingredients, blackbean is steadily receiving attention for its effectiveness in improving scalp disorders, as it is full of nutrition and physiologically active substances. A number of recent studies show that isoflavone and anthocyanin in blackbeans are effective antioxidents. However, there has not been any direct evidence of the blackbean myth: that it can improve the scalp and reproduce hair. Moreover, there were no direct or scientific studies which shows any active components of blackbeans in cosmetology. Thus, future studies on blackbeans and its direct influence on scalp and hair are recommended to further research its benefits.


  1. 검정콩의 영양학적 가치
  2. 검정콩의 생리활성 물질
  3. 검정콩과 두피 및 모발 건강


  • 김선희 Kim, Sun Hee. 한양대학교대학원 식품영양학과
  • 장미혜 Jang, Mi Hae. 국제대학 보건관리과
  • 엄애선 Om, Ae Son. 한양대학교 식품영양학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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