China's economic reformation has brought about the rapid economic development in cities, thus resulting in a substantial increase in the demand for labor. At the same time, the implementation of rural household contract responsibility system and two-level management system have made it possible for the rural labor to leave the countryside. Under this circumstance, the irresistible historical trend occurs that more and more Chinese farmers are becoming migrant workers in cities. With the development of China's industrialization and urbanization since the late 1980s, a large number of migrant workers have become important human resources for China's national economic development. However, due to China’s systematic reason and the lack of institutions and regulations, the Chinese migrant workers, being at the utmost bottom of the city and not protected equally in rights and interests, have worked very to survive. Therefore, it is both the migrant workers’ urgent requirements and the society’s goals and targets to safeguard effectively the rights and interests of migrant workers by eliminating the unreasonable barriers in Chinese systems. In the perspective of a foreigner, by examining their survival situation in Chinese cities, the author is concerned about the protection of the Chinese migrant workers’ legal rights. Sorting out clearly the main problems faced by the Chinese migrant workers and analyzing the deep-seated causes in the course of China’s development, we may find out some feasible ways for China's migrant workers to apply in protecting their rights and interests.
Ⅱ. 중국 농민공의 개념
1. 농민공의 함의
2. 농민공의 사회적 배경에서의 특징
Ⅲ. 중국 농민공의 형성과 변천
1. 농민공의 형성원인
2. 농민공의 기능과 발전추세
Ⅳ. 중국 농민공의 당면한 문제점
1. 취업차별현상출현
2. 저임금과 복지의 불평등
3. 체불임금의 심각성
4. 주거조건의 한계
5. 사회보장 결여
Ⅴ. 농민공 권익보장의 제도적 대응 방안
1. 이원사회구조인 호적제도의 개선
2. 농민공의 임금수준의 합리화와 임금지불제도 확립
3. 농민공의 거주조건 개선과 여가생활 확보
4. 중국의 사회보장기제 수립과 개선
5. 농민공 권익보호를 위한 입법 개선
6. 농민공 자녀의 교육받을 권리 보장
Ⅵ. 맺음말