

전화 영어 수업 분석과 영어 말하기 능력 증진 효과에 대한 연구


A study on the phone English and its effect on promoting English speaking fluency.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Sook Kyung Jung. 2012. A study on the phone English and its effect on promoting English speaking fluency. Journal of Linguistic Studies 17(3), 69-88. The purpose of the study was to measure the effect of phone English conversation through smart phones by investigate the process of three month phone English class. 14 college university students participated in the research. Students learning styles and attitudes towards the phone English were explored. According to main research results. students predominantly preferred phone English class over face-to-face English class due to its availability regardless of time and space, one to one teaching style, and the amount of teachers’ corrective feedback. The t-test result of pre and post online speaking test revealed that phone English class has contributed to improving the students' speaking ability. In spite of students' predominant use of smart phones for phone English, most students are not used to utilizing the internet functions of smart phones for learning purpose. (Daejeon University)


 1. 서론
 2. 연구목적
 3. 선행 연구
  3.1 동시적 의사소통 도구로서의 전화영어
  3.2 전화영어수업에 대한 연구
 4. 연구방법
  4.1 연구내용
  4.2 연구 참가자 정보
  4.3 연구 절차
  4.4 연구 방법
 5. 연구 결과
  5.1 전화 영어 수업의 형태와 학생들의 수업 스타일
  5.2 전화 영어와 면대면 수업, 음성 전화 영어 와 영상 전화 수업에 대한 학생 선호도
  5.3 스마트폰 기능의 전화영어 수업 도구로서의 이용 현황
  5.4 전화 영어 수업의 영어 말하기 실력 향상에 대한 효과
 6. 결론


  • 정숙경 Sook Kyung Jung.. 대전대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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