

전래동화 상호번역과 비교문화로서의 한국문화교육


A Study on the Cross Cultural Education through interactive Translation of Fairy Tales.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Study on the cross cultural education through a interactive translation of fairy tales in the multi-cultural society is to meet the demands of the multi-cultural age. To compare or to contrast the various cultures through the interactive translation of the fairy tales is one of the best ways to understand them cross culturally. It is, of course, necessary to status the translation in the relationship with other studies like comparative literature or linguistics, because this has been regarded to be inferior to those in term of grading and ranking in the academic field. Translation as ‘green glasses’ to color the original is reconstructed to that as ‘open window’, through which two other countries mutually communicate. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. This function of translation works in the fairy tales, too. There are lots of researches and studies to prove the positive educational effects of the fairy tales and to show the importance of the parents’ roles in dealing with the fairy tales. Translation by the members of the multi-cultural society is added to this, especially by International Marriage Migrant Women to be the mother, Children from Multi-cultural Families as the best potential translators proficient in languages and cultures. The most important thing to translate the fairy tales as a cultural model mutually and to make them a helpful learning tool for the cross cultural Education is to work in cooperation, to reach an agreement for the further educational policy, and to live together and harmoniously in the kindergartens, elementary schools, families, and any other groups or communities of the multi-cultural society


 1. 들어가는 말
 2. 동아시아 문화모형으로서 콩쥐팥쥐 유형 전래동화
  2.1. 문화모형으로서의 콩쥐팥쥐 유형 전래동화
  2.2. 보편성 비교분석과 고유성 대조분석
  2.3. 다문화시대 문화모형
 3. 다문화시대의 상호 번역
  3.1. 번역의 재구성
  3.2. 번역(학)의 도구화
  3.3. 다문화시대의 비교문화적인 상호번역
 4. 전래동화 번역을 활용한 비교문화적인 한국문화교육
  4.1. 비교문화적인 상호소통을 위한 전래동화 번역
  4.3. 전래동화 번역을 활용한 한국문화교육 방안
 5. 나가는 말


  • 홍순희 Hong, Sunhi.. 계명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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