

중도입국청소년의 문화적응 중심 재사회화 경험에 관한 질적 연구


A qualitative Study on Re-socialization Experience of the Immigrant Youths with Enculturation Perspective.

김영순, 박봉수, 팜티휀짱

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This research observes the re-socialization process of immigrant youths applying the phenomenology, the qualitative research method. The study analyzes the re-socialization process with the course of time in four stages: the interaction before immigration to Korea, the interaction with the new culture after immigration, conflict stage and crisis stage. The first stage could be interpreted as the ‘window for the conflict solving,’ ‘facilitator,’ etc. Second, they felt ‘anxious and isolated’ as the first stage of conflict in the socialization process. In this stage they found themselves as ‘alien’ and ‘separate.’ They also experienced the ‘structural discrimination.’In addition to this, with the ‘structural discrimination,’ they also experienced the ‘social discrimination and apathy’ in the second stage of socialization. In the final stage of socialization, the crisis stage, as the crisis and confusion, they experienced ‘alienation and loneliness,’ ‘identity confusion,’ ‘marginalization’ etc. It is also found that they experienced the ‘only one mean for enjoyment’ and ‘escaping’ in the second stage of socialization. Though the socialization process of immigrant youths was sequential, it changed in every stage. As time passed, little variance among youths in socialization process was observed as the personal characteristics of the immigrant youths, his background or support.


 1. 서론
 2. 중도입국청소년으로서 연구 참여자
 3. 문화적응으로서 재사회화 과정
 4. 중도입국청소년의 재사회화 과정
  4.1 접촉 시기: 재회의 기쁨과 충격의 시기
  4.2 갈등기: 갈등과 소외의 시기
  4.3 위기기: 정체성 혼돈의 시기
 5. 결론


  • 김영순 Young soon Kim. 인하대학교
  • 박봉수 Bong su Park. 인하대학교
  • 팜티휀짱 Pham Thi Huyen Trang.. 인하대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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