The purpose of this paper is to grope for the possibility that republicanism is an acceptable political principle to feminism by reviewing the arguments and debates among the scholars. Generally feminists doubt that republican idea of citizenship has originally gendered meaning. They criticise that in the history of western republican discourse citizen was regarded as virtuous male political agency who could participate disinterestedly in public sphere. It means that republican citizenship was based on the gendered separation of the public and the private which excluded women from public sphere. In this context Hannah Arendt was severely attacked by feminists because her idea of political action aiming to restore Aristotelian life of polis was also a masculine conception. Some feminists, however, insisted that her idea was gender-neutral one which did not believe in the classical republican separation of sphere. On the contrary, they affirmed that her idea was of great help to feminism in that it tried to overcome liberal hegemony as feminism did. Especially they argued for her idea to reveal the limit of the maternal feminism which passed over the significance of politics by emphasizing the female ethics of care in private sphere. Historians of women also divided themselves into two camps in estimating the idea of republican motherhood during the eighteenth century revolutions in America and France which eulogized mother's political role to educate her son in home as a virtuous citizen in future. While protagonists of that thesis thought highly of it as the first step toward female citizenship to break through patriarchy, antagonists despised it as a sophistication of the separation of sphere and as a dilution of women's struggle for citizenship. Thus feminist's sceptical estimations of republican citizenship were largely due to it's innate masculinity. However, recently republican idea of freedom as 'non-domination' which radically differs from liberal idea of freedom as 'non-interference' is welcomed by some feminist as a useful frame of reference not polluted by gender. They insist that patriarchy is a structural domination in which women are not free only because they are not interfered individually by men. They emphasize that women's subjection to men can be overcome only when women come to recognize not who they are but in which kind of world they live. It means that even women who are allowed to do by men what they want without interference are not free in the world which is structured by patriarchal domination. They accept this republican idea of freedom as an essential tenet feminism should pursue. This is a very hopeful sign of alliance between republicanism and feminism.
II. 공화주의적 시민성과 페미니즘
III. 한나 아렌트와 페미니즘
IV. 공화주의적 모성론과 페미니즘
V. 공화주의 자유론과 페미니즘
VI. 맺음말