

Corrective Feedback and Learner Uptake in Primary School EFL Classrooms in China


Beibei Zhao

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article examined the classroom interaction of two teachers and their pupils (36 Grade 5 and 35 Grade 6) in 26 lessons (totalling 15.2 hours) to investigate the way in which these teachers spontaneously attended to form, and to determine the extent to which these Chinese young learners could and did subsequently demonstrate uptake in their production. In addition, individual interviews (approximately 8 hours) with both teachers and learners were carried out to assist interpreting lesson transcripts in relation to corrective feedback and learner uptake. The results suggest that both teachers often take advantage of corrective feedback, creating opportunities for learners to correct errors, and learners are capable of correcting errors after a prompt. Such attention to form that provides learners with an opportunity to negotiate of form or meaning can potentially benefit L2 learning. This article concludes with implications for pedagogy, research and teacher professional development that are made based upon these findings.


  Defining ‘focus-on-form’
  Defining ‘corrective feedback’
  Defining ‘uptake’
  Research Questions
  Data Analysis
  Types and Distribution of Corrective Feedback
  The Distribution of Learner Uptake
  Teacher’s Provision of Corrective Feedback
  Learner’s Production of Uptake
  Corrective Feedback and Learner Uptake
  Pedagogical Significance
  Professional Development
  Future Research


  • Beibei Zhao Zhejiang Shuren University, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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