

일반 주제 논문

로트만과 번역연구(I) - 기호의 재약호화에서 문화의 메커니즘까지


Lotman and Translation Studies. Interpreting and Translation Studies


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to reexamine cultural semiotic theory of Yuri. Lotman in terms of Translation Studies and tries to reveal its theoretical potential as productive new frame for translation theory. The evolutionary path of Lotman's thoughts on the notion of translation effictively demonstrates the well-know process, which translation studies as a special discipline has been passed through for last 20 years: from linguistic-structural frame to cultural-philosophical level. Starting from definition of translation as transcoding, Lotman proceeded to attempt of remodelling the normative communication model of Jakobson as a means of transmitting message into a mechanism of translating, which inevitably accompanies creative transformation and generative moments. Along side with this, offering new theoretical concept of semiosphere, Lotman allowed to understand translation as a special bilingual belt where what is external is transformed into what is internal and what is internal or vice versa. In his last period of life Lotman turned his attention increasingly to the problem of cultural interactions and putted forward new model of intercultural communication as dialogue: the generative principle, which invariably emphasizes interactivity of communication and creative dynamics of cultural translation.


 1. 로트만과 번역이론: 왜 로트만인가
 2. ‘재약호화’로서의 번역
 3. 기존 모델과의 대결: ‘잉여성’과 ‘비이해’의 문제
 4. 예술적 번역: 의식과 창조성
 5. 문화 메커니즘으로서의 번역: 경계와 이중언어지대
 6. 번역으로서의 문화 상호작용: 영향에서 대화로
 7. 번역 불가능성의 번역: 비결정성의 잠재성


  • 김수환 Kim, Soo-hwan.. 한국외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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