

Using Sight Translation in Simultaneous Interpreting Class



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The paper will consider, based on existing literature and the author’s own experience, how sight translation (ST) can be incorporated into simultaneous interpreter training classes. ST is the rendering orally of a text written in one language into another language. This approach is used regularly by conference interpreters, including the author, to prepare for actual conference interpreting assignments. It can also be employed as a training tool, as discussed by Viaggio, S (1995) and Weber, W (1990). Having become aware of the real potential of using ST inside and outside of the classroom, and based on the work of the two interpreting trainers mentioned above, the Conference Interpreting Program at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) is now actively using ST for both English-to-Japanese and Japanese-to-English interpreting training. There are two possible approaches to using sight translation in such classes at TUFS: (1) the use of only the text, or (2) the use of the text together with an audio of the actual rendition of the text. Adoption of both approaches in her graduate-level (M.A.)
second-year simultaneous interpreting class has convinced the author that the utilization of ST in simultaneous interpreting classes can teach students to be time and effort-effective. That, however, is provided that the following caveats are observed: (1) the need to find most efficient words in expression is met; (2) word-for-word translations are strictly avoided; and, (3) the focus of the exercise is on the content of the message. Since in ST training the coordination and management of constrained resources are crucial factors, it is essential for students to learn how and where to employ their limited resources to achieve optimal performance.


 I. Sight translation as a training tool
 II. Literature on sight translation and training applications
  1. Gile’s Effort Model
  2. Viaggio, S (1995)
  3. Weber, W (1990)
 III. Use of ST at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
 IV. Feedback from students and advice to students
 V. Concluding Remarks


  • Chikako TSURUTA Tokyo University of Foreign Studies


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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