This study aims at clarifying the importance of reception through discrepancies between interpretation and reception. At the same time, I want to suggest how interpretation should play the role in the process the learner appreciates the work in general. Lee Jonyeon(李兆年)’s Sijo functions as the materials to show the various facets of aspects of reception historically because the work has shown the complex appearances of reception for a long time. That’s because the meaning of the text is not fixed on only one. Rather, it always comes with a new meaning. Also, it is accepted as various dimensions in that. More specifically, I historically took a look at the appearances of reception and awareness in the late of Chosun Dynasty through Shin Wi(申緯)’s 『Soakbu(小樂府)』and then reviewed the context of containing of Lee Jonyeon’s Sijo targeting literature textbooks according to 2009 Revised curriculum. Furthermore, I progressed analysing the outcomes of the appreciation by contemporary readers. Based on the study, I confirmed that the ambiguity of emotion which is turned out in the work falls into the task which the learner should construct and accordingly the positive constructing of meaning should be emphasized. In addition, I proposed that the experience of another dimension which goes beyond the cognition horizon of the subject should be required in order to get over the experience of the individual’s dimension. Therefore, I demand that adequate materials and theory should be provided in the process of interpretation of readers and the process that the different interpretations result in collision and competition be involved in the process of reception.
2. 이조년 시조의 조선 후기 수용태와 인식 : 신위의『소악부(小樂府)』를 대상으로
3. 이조년 시조의 교육적 수용태와 인식: 2009 개정 교육과정에 따른 문학교과서를 대상으로
4. 이조년 시조의 현대적 수용태와 인식: 학습자의 글쓰기를 대상으로
5. 이조년 시조에 대한 문학교육적 재조명 : 해석과 수용의 접점과 교직
6. 결론을 대신하여: 다시 이조년의 시조로