

위안화 실효환율변동이 한․중 무역에 미치는 영향


A Study on the Effect of Effective Exchange Rates on Trade Between Korea and China

정상국, 김성기

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is to examine countermeasures to the possibility of the abrupt change in Chinese Rinminbi through analyzing the effect of the real effective exchange rates in Chinese Rinminbi on the export and import prices in trade between China and Korea. The export and import prices are calculated by the value of exports and imports divided by the quantity. The SITC are categorized by 10 sections to analyze the prices items by items. Since SITC 9 section is not available, this study use the sections from SITC 0 to SITC 8. The Chinese Rinminbi nominal and real effective exchange rates are used by explanatory variables. The data are covered the periods from the first quarter of 1994 to the first quarter of 2010. The empirical results in all cases except SITC 1, the adjustment is occurred by nominal and real effective exchanger rates, in which all signs of direction are positive. This implies in the fixed Chinese Rinminbi exchange rate system that the deviations from long-run equilibrium lead to completely increase the consumer price index. This study show that machinery, steel and petrochemistry over 30% in exports to China have the price competitive advantage due to the appreciation in Chinese Rinminbi, but they may also have negative impacts from the abrupt changes in Chinese economy.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 중국의 환율제도
  1. 계획경제시기(1949∼1980)
  2. 복수환율제도(1981~1993)
  3. 단일 관리변동환율제도(1994~2005)
  4. 관리변동환율제도(2005~현재)
 Ⅲ. 실증분석
  1. 선행연구
  2. 분석자료
  3. 분석방법
  4. 벡터오차수정모형
  5. 충격반응함수
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 정상국 Sang-kuck Chung. 인제대학교 국제경상학부 교수
  • 김성기 Seong-Ki Kim. 동아대학교 국제무역학과 겸임교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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