



The Misuse of Japanese Auxiliary Word “に”by Chinese learners


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This report is mainly about when using Japanese auxiliary word “に”, what kind of mistakes Chinese students usually made and their tendency. Most of the language researchers did lots of work in discrimination the word “に” and the other auxiliary words for second language learning while ignoring the entire usage of “に”. Therefore in this report I investigated 3 questions: which usage of “に” was most misused by students, the reason why it was misused and at language education site how we could avoid the misusing by the students of learning second language. As the result of this report, we found that these “に”’s percent of rightness were considerably low: the “に” which stands for duties, the “に” which stands for the reason of sustained status and the “に” which stands for the inclusion. When students used these kinds of “に”, lots of them mistook “に” with other auxiliary word such as “を”, “が” and “で”. I inferred these errors in 5 reasons: the influence which caused by the first language of the student, the frequency the “に” used, the influence of the textbooks, a degree how the student understanding the context and the complication of learning auxiliary words. For these reasons while teaching the usages of “に” the instructor should pay attention to the syntax of Chinese language and the Chinese preposition, and tell the students how to distinguish “に” from other auxiliary words. In the case out of class the instructor should also use “に” but not omitting.




1. はじめに
 8. おわりに


  • 羅希 라희. 立命館大学大学院修士課程


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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