

포스터 3분 스피치, 좌장 : 이선구 (부산대학교), 윤형돈 (영남대학교)

Antioxidant Activity of Novel Synthetic Carotenoids



Carotenoids are red-orange pigments abundant in many vegetables and fruits including carrot and tomato. Due to the antioxidant and anticancer activity of carotenoids, they are manufactured for the nutritional and health beneficial supplements. Recently, vegetables with larger amount of carotenoids content have been established by genetic modification or interbreeding. However, the instability and low water solubility of carotenoids are obstacles in the use of them as supplements in a variety of biological systems. In this study, we investigated the antioxidant activity and stability of three different carotenoids chemically synthesized by adding side benzene ring groups to the carotenoid backbone. In comparison with β-carotene, the representative carotenoids, three novel carotenoids displayed stronger antioxidant properties in DPPH and ABST assessments with higher storage stabilities.


  • Ji Suk YOU Department of Food & Nutrition, Myungji University, Yongin, Gyeonggido, 449-728.
  • Sang Ho KOO Department of Chemistry, Myungji University, Yongin, Gyeonggido, 449-728.
  • Shin Sik CHOI Department of Food & Nutrition, Myungji University, Yongin, Gyeonggido, 449-728.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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