

고용보험법상 양성평등의 실현을 위한 과제


Issues for the Implementation of Gender Equality in the Employment Insurance Act


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study made five proposals for (1) the expansion of eligible applicants for employment insurance, (2) the improvement of employment benefit plans, (3) the improvement of parental leave benefit plans, (4) the improvement of maternity leave benefit plans, and (5) various employment promotion subsidy plans.
First, the expansion of eligible applicants for employment insurance demands a broader eligibility for female workforce who accounts for a greater number of part-time workers - that is, those who work a total of less than 60 hours a month or a total of less than 15 hours a week.
Second, the improvement of employment benefit plans concerns a radical reduction of the insured unit period (over 180 days) or a way of making differential payments although not included in the insured unit period. The job-seeker payment days are at current on differential payments according to age and insured period; however, the differential by age should be abolished. A uniform job-seeker payment based on insured period seems more reasonable for differential payments. Moreover, a reduced amount of payment is appropriate although income occurs as a result of labor work during the period of job-seeker payment.
Third, the improvement of employment benefit plans demands a radical reduction of the insured unit period (over 180 days), and the payment should be contingent on the employer’ obligation for approval rather than on the request by the laborer himself.
Fourth, the improvement of maternity leave benefit plans demands a radical reduction of the insured unit period (over 180 days), and the leave should be a mandatory act rather than a request by the person herself. The amount paid by the employment insurance should be expanded, while the amount paid by the user should necessarily be gradually reduced. More than others, since job restoration is the primary interest, relevant support measures for it must be strengthened.
Lastly, various employment promotion subsidy plans indicate a considerable increase of payment amount for sustained employment subsidy during pregnancy and after childbirth, parental leave subsidy, substitute workforce subsidy.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 고용보험법의 의의와 발전
  1. 고용보험법의 의의
  2. 고용보험법의 제정
  3. IMF 이전 개정
  4. IMF와의 합의 개정
  5. 2000년 이후 개정
 Ⅲ. 고용보험법상 양성평등의 실현을 위한 과제
  1. 고용보험 적용대상의 확대
  2. 구직급여제도의 개선
  3. 육아휴직급여제도의 개선
  4. 산전후휴가급여제도의 개선
  5. 각종 고용촉진 지원금제도의 개선
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 박승두 Park, Seung-Du. 청주대학교 법과대학 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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