Effect of Myofascia Massage on Reduction of Myalgia and Muscle Relaxation and Recovery of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) of Lower Body
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), also called muscle fever, is the pain and stiffness felt in muscles several hours to days after unaccustomed and/or strenuous exercise. After strong exercise, the muscle adapts rapidly to prevent muscle damage, and thereby DOMS, in repeated bout. While, myofascia release and massage are forms of soft tissue therapy used to treat somatic dysfunction and accompanying pain and restriction of motion. This is accomplished by relaxing contracted muscles, increasing circulation, increasing venous and lymphatic drainage, and stimulating the stretch reflex of muscles and overlying fascia. In this work, the effects of myofascia massage on the reduction of myalgia and muscle relaxation, and recovery of DOMS of lower body have been examined using algometer and myotomometer analyses. Ten young male patients were participated in the study to analyze the difference of muscle tension and blood constituents after the massage treatment was applied. Visual analog scale showed the significant difference between control and treated groups (p<.05). The myalgia decreased a lot after the massage. These data were supported by several assays of blood biomarkers such as cortisol, creatine, C-reactive protein and lactate dehydrogenase. All the blood factors concerning DOMS decreased after the massage treatment resulting in the positive aspect of the myofascia massage. In summary the myofascia massage has been considered to show the positive psychological effect on reduction of myalgia and muscle relaxation, and recovery of DOMS of lower body as well.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
1. 실험 대상
2. 실험 재료 및 측정 방법
3. 실험 방법
Ⅲ. 연구결과 및 고찰
1. 실험 전 근 긴장도의 그룹 간 비교
2. 실험 직후와 24시간 후 근 긴장도의 그룹 간 비교
3. 시각통증척도의 그룹 간 비교
4. 압통역치의 그룹 간 비교
5. CRP의 그룹 간 비교
6. 코티솔의 그룹 간 비교
7. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)의 그룹 간 비교
8. CK의 그룹 간 비교
Ⅳ. 결론