Jo, Miwon・Kim, Soeun. “A Study on Students’ Interest and Anxiety Changes in TEE Classes.” Studies in English Language & Literature. 38.1 (2012): 299-325. The purpose of this study is to analyze high school students’ interest and anxiety changes when classes are taught only in English and to ascertain the effectiveness of TEE (Teaching English in English). English classes were taught only in English for approximately six months, and were grammar and reading oriented. 374 students were divided into three groups according to their English test scores. They were asked to fill out a questionnaire before and after the experimental classes. To verify the difference variables between before and after answers about the interests and anxiety, t-test was performed. ANCOVA was done to verify the difference in effect in student English levels. The result of this study shows that classes taught in English are effective in increasing student interest(p<.001), and decreasing anxiety(p<.001) in speaking concerning English language classes. (Kyungnam University)
I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
2.1 영어교육과정과 TEE
2.2 흥미와 외국어 학습
2.3 불안과 외국어 학습
III. 연구의 설계 및 방법
3.1 연구 대상 및 기간
3.2 가설 설정
3.3 설문조사 절차 및 설문지 구성
3.4 실험수업 절차
IV. 결과 분석
4.1 가설 1의 검증 및 분석
4.2 가설 2의 검증 및 분석
4.3 가설 3의 검증 및 분석
4.4 가설 4의 검증 및 분석
V. 결론