

The Effectiveness of CRM Approach in Improving the Profitability of Korea Professional Baseball Industry Measured by Entropy of ID3 Decision Tree Algorithm


Sekyung Oh, Chunglee Gwak, Miyoung Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Korea professional baseball industry has grown to take the lion"s share of the domestic sports industry, but still does not make break even. The purpose of this study is to examine the financial impact of adopting the Customer Relation Management (CRM) approach on the profitability of Korea professional baseball industry. We use a measuring tool called entropy used in ID3 decision tree algorithm. In the paper, we specify five the most important factors that affect spectator satisfaction based on the previous literature, perform survey analysis, calculate entropy values, and find the results. We predicted the change in revenues when we adopt CRM by checking the spectators" willingness to pay more when the conditions of each factor are improved. We find that we can reap significant fruits of the effect of CRM introduction through enhancing "game content factor" and "game promotion factor" among the five factors. We also find that we can increase the revenues of domestic professional baseball teams to 2.4 times or 2.1 times the current level if we manage intensively those two factors. respectively. It is very surprising to see that the improvement in total revenues makes both ends meet for domestic professional baseball teams. This clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of CRM approach in improving the profitability of organizations.


 1. Introduction
 2. Definition and Objective of CRM
 3. Characteristics and Success Factors of Korea Professional Baseball Industry
  3.1 Satisfaction Factors of Spectators
  3.2 Satisfaction of Spectators and Revisit
  3.3 Financial Status of Domestic Professional Baseball Teams
 4. Research Methodology
  4.1 The Sample
  4.2 Measuring Tool
  4.3 Survey Reliability
  4.4 Survey Method and Data Processing
  4.5 Analysis of Results
 5. Conclusions and Suggestions
 Author Profile


  • Sekyung Oh Business school, Konkuk University
  • Chunglee Gwak Dept of MIS Graduate school, Konkuk University
  • Miyoung Lee Business school, Konkuk University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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