

다중게임요소와 단일게임요소에 의한 게임콘텐츠 원가산정 방법에 관한 비교연구


The Comparative study on Game Contents Costing by Single Game Element and Multi Game Elements

임득수, 이국철, 박현지

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Last decade, IT industry in Korea has been developed greatly. The game industry as an international leader has given good value added to its country. Game industry is one of the speedy improved one and it showed over 20% of growth rate from 2002. Most distressings in Game industry, there are no established costing system in spite that there should be in emerging market. In 2004, Game Contents Costing Model using Mission and Event was developed and also the study of Game Elements weight was done in 2005. The cost of Game Contents can be calculated by GEP and its unit price. The study of Game Contents Sizing Model was done in 2005. The costing of Game Contents by single Game Element which represents software which is one of 3 Game Elements-plan, graphic and software-and it is counted by mission and event. If the software element only can not well represent Game Contents volume, we can include plan and graphic elements for Game Contents costing. And we can say above two methods as a costing model of Game Contents. In this paper, these models were tested empirically and proved as usable.


 1. 도입
 2. 게임요소점수(GEP)로 게임콘텐츠 규모를 산정하는 방법
  2.1 게임콘텐츠 원가계산에 기능점수법 사용의 어려움
  2.2 새로운 대안–게임요소점수(GEP)
  2.3 미션과 이벤트의 정의
 3. 게임콘텐츠 원가산정
  3.1 Single GEP와 Multiple GEP
  3.2 GEP에 의한 원가 산정
  3.3 GEP 단가 및 규모보정계수
 4. 연구
  4.1 모델검증
  4.2 단일요소방식과 다중요소방식에 의한 검증
  4.3 단일요소방식과 다중요소방식의 적용 비교
 5. 결론 및 제언


  • 임득수 Deuksoo Lim. 한국기업평가원, 부원장
  • 이국철 Kookchul Lee. 국민대학교 BIT 학부 교수
  • 박현지 Hyunji Park. 아시아나 IDT


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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