


乾燥を表す動詞の「ホス」 「カワカス」の意味分析


The Semantic Analysis of verbs ‘hosu’ and ‘kawakasu’ which signify drynes


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Semantic Analysis of verbs 'hosu' and 'kawakasu' which signify dryness Kim, Ok-Yeong Japanese verbs ‘hosu’ and ‘kawakasu’, which correspond to Korean verb ‘malida’, have in common the feature of removing water from the object to be dried. In the case of objects which are too thin to be distinguished between its inner part and its surface, when it is dried for a long time taking as the drying source the natural ones as sunlight, ‘hosu’ and ‘kawakasu’ both are used. The typical example is laundry. In the case of ‘hosu’, the object has been originally keeping moisture inside, and the moisture is removed for storage. Its drying sources are sunlight, wind and others, and it is dried being spread or hung up. The object includes fishes, vegetables, some fruits(persimmons) and others. In the case of ‘kawakasu’, the object is thoroughly removed of moisture in movement in a short period of time, by using artificial drying sources like heated air. It is also used in the case of moisture removal of wet objects, that it applies in the case of partly wet objects. The object includes wet clothes, washed hair and others. While in the case of ‘hosu’ the object does not need to be removed of moisture thoroughly, in the case of ‘kawakasu’ the moisture on the surface of the object needs to be thoroughly removed. The verb ‘hosu’ has significations of ‘drinking the cup dry’ and ‘not giving any work(roles)’, which are not the case in ‘kawakasu’. The former is an extension from the meaning of the motion of ‘removing moisture on the inside’, and the latter is the one from that of ‘leaving as it is for a long period of time’.


Ⅰ. はじめに
 Ⅱ. 先行研究及び乾燥動詞の意味特性
 Ⅲ. 「ホス」の意味分析
 Ⅳ. 「乾かす」の意味分析
 Ⅴ. 「乾燥動詞の意味の相似点と相違点
 Ⅵ. まとめ


  • 金玉英 김옥영. 부산대학교 인문대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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