

Understanding and Application of Transformative Learning for Adult Education in the Church


Eun Seung Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article explores transformative learning theory as a framework for adult education in the church concerned with fostering critical thinking and action. The pressing issue for the church’s adult education today is not that there are not enough Christians but rather that they are not growing to maturity. Thus, there are much demands that adult education in the church should create more dynamic teaching and learning environment where people transform their Christian faith into new meaning, guiding their action and shaping their personhood. Transformative learning is continually being investigated within the field of adult education as a powerful approach for understanding how adults learn. Initially developed by Jack Mezirow in secular educational contexts, this perspective has been critiqued and appropriated by many including Christian educators as a helpful way to understand and foster adult learning. The application of transformative learning theory in the church can help adults learners in the formation of Christian identity, critical theological education, and community of dialogue. Christian identity is fundamental to the health of the Christian and the church. It “informs us of who we are and what roles we are supposed to play in relationship with self, others, nature, and God.” Adults must have theological education that can form, inform, and transform their practices of faith to equip them as agents of transformation in the world. Transformative learning environment could provide the community of dialogue for adult learners to experience family ties and assistance in developing one another, generating non-threatening environment where people build trust in each other and help each other deal with their own problem. This study deals with three sections that are attributed to transformative learning and adult education in the church. The first section begins with an overview of transformative learning theory. The second section concerns the relationship between transformative learning and adult learning. The final section proposes some applications of transformative learning in the church context as an attempt that helps adult learners grow toward whole persons in Christ.


 Ⅰ. Introduction
 Ⅱ. Transformative Learning Views
 Ⅲ. Transformative Learning and Adult Learners
  1. Adult Learners
  2. Transformative Adult Learning
  3. Fostering Transformative Adult Learning
 Ⅳ. Application of Transformative Learning in the Church
  1. Formation of Christian Identity
  2. Critical Theological Education
  3. Community of Dialogue
 Ⅴ. Conclusion


  • Eun Seung Lee Sungkyul University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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