

델파이를 통한 콜센터 내부서비스 품질 영향요인 조사



The Issues of internal service quality have been one of the topics widely discussed in the internal marketing literature. The purpose of the current study is to find out the influential factors on internal service quality in a call center. 35 influential factors were finally identified through undertaking Focus Group Interview with the frontline employees in a call center, reviewing the internal marketing-related literatures, and conducting two rounds of Delphi. Findings show that frontline employees in call centers aspire to be customer service experts under the steady working conditions and a creative leadership of vision.


  콜 센터 상담사에 관한 연구
  내부서비스품질의 영향요인 도출
  1차 델파이 설문조사
  2차 델파이 설문조사
 Implications and Limitation


  • Jae-Woong Yun Major of Regional Information, Seoul National University
  • Soo-Min Park Major of Regional Information, Seoul National University
  • Junghoon Moon Major of Regional Information, Seoul National University
  • Young-Chan Choe Major of Regional Information, Seoul National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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