

씨끝 통합체의 변화 - ‘-리X-’형을 중심으로 -


Changes of Combined Endings


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Language is always in the process of changing, which is affected by the adjacent. Therefore, to understand the aspects of an ending change, the relations of the adjacent affecting the ending should be considered. This study is focused on the aspects and functional meanings of the changes of '-리-, -더-, -니-, -이-' and the combination of final endings affected by the adjacent. It seems that '-ㄹ고/-ㄹ가/-ㄹ다' are not combined with '-리러-' due to the overlap of the functional meaning of '-리-' and 'ㄹ'. And '-ㄴ고/-ㄴ가/-ㄴ다' are not combined to the others. The reason seems to be the same as the question endings do not combined with '-리니-, -리러니-'. If the functional meaning of '-니-' is considered as " the speaker believes the event in uttering as 'the plus fact', those with the combined elements '-리-' and '-니-' are believed as either 'not to have happened yet' or to believe on the uncertain as 'the plus fact' even if it happened. When the question endings are combined with the pre-final endings that have such functional meanings, it requires the listeners to believe it as the plus fact. In this case, the listeners have the burden that they should respond as if they believe 'the plus fact' about the uncertain or the assumed event. Due to this problem, the question endings seems to be not combined with pre-final endings which has the combined elements '-리-' and '-니-'. In the literatures since the 16th century, '-리러뇨, -을러냐, -을러뇨, -을뇨' are surveyed. These forms are those which the question endings '-뇨/-냐' fused by '-니-' and '-오/-아' are combined with '-리-, -을러-'


 1. 들어가기
 2. ‘-리X- ’형의 통합체
  2.1 ‘-리-’와 ‘-더-, -니-,-이 -’의 통합
  2.2 ‘-리X-’형과 월맺음씨끝의 통합
 3. 통합체의 변화
  3.1. 안맺음씨끝의 변화
  3.2. 월맺음씨끝과의 변화형
 4. 마무리


  • 김수태 Sutae Kim. 신라대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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