



Modern Japanese and Gender difference-focus on Feminine words-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study discusses the reality of feminine words among the language forms which project gender differences, as a part of the study revealed gender differences in modern Japanese. It focused on feminine words and examined what kind of language forms female speakers used, through novels written in the Meiji era. The results of this study are as follows. From Meiji 20’s to 40’s (from the late 1880’s to 1900’s) is the time that Japanese affective expression: final particles and interjections, and feminine words were established. The presence of role words and particular language forms were confirmed. The main language forms of those are honorific expressions, personal pronouns, and interjections. The honorific expressions such as final particles were only used by females and were seen in the conversation of young women (female students), upper class women and elderly ladies. From the perspective of the role of the language, it showed that the language expressions and words which played high roles at the beginning of the Meiji era had declined by the end of Meiji era. In addition, a lot of affective expressions were used in feminine words compared to male words. It is characteristic that gender expression: including some of the role words, emphasizing “femininity” were mainly used by young women and upper class women.




1. はじめに
 2. 女性語と性差
 3. 文学作品における性差の現状
 4. 明治女性語の女性性
  4.1 文末の終助詞と性差
  4.2 敬語表現と性差
  4.3 人称代名詞と性差
  4.4 感動詞と性差
  4.5 間投助詞と性差
 5. 結びと今後の課題


  • 房極哲 방극철. 順天大学校 日本語日本文化学科 副教授、日本語学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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