A Study on the Story Value and Applied Appearance as a Culture Contents of Korean- apanese’s Literature -Focused on Kaneshiro Kazuki’s Fiction, Go
Until recently, literal works written by Korean-Japanese have been regarded ‘non-mainstream’or ‘frontier’in both Korea and Japan. However, with arrival of multi-cultural society and rising of the concepts such as ‘creole’and ‘diaspora,’the society began paying attention to Korean-Japanese as ‘important minority.’Thus, the importance of their literal works has been emphasized as well. In particular, as cultural interaction between Korea and Japan became more active, the literature by Korean-Japanese, which are mostly stories common in both countries, has been spotlighted as original sources for various cultural contents. In this study, the usability of Korean-Japanese literature was examine as cultural contents by analyzing a movie and a manga based on the novel called GO which was written by Kaneshiro Kazuki, who boasts the widest readership among other Korean-Japanese writers. The following is three major characteristics of the novel. The first, characteristic is its universal narrative structure. If the former Korean-Japanese literature were mostly about problems as a group such as ethnicity or ideology, GO has a more universal theme. It is about a problematic individual’s search for his identity. The second, characteristic is an interaction of sensibility through cultural art. The cultural art is common language among human beings which overcomes nationality or lineage. In this novel, characters communicate with its readers through sympathy toward cultural art, and this set-up therefore has its meaning. This also distinguishes the novel from other similar literal works which are mainly based on more rational ideas such as argumentation and accusation. The third, characteristic is a subjective consciousness awakened through daily life. A theme of this novel is discrimination against Korean-Japanese and how to deal with it. This theme itself is not original. However, this novel is original as it presents this theme through daily life such as love relationship. The novel GO has been adapted to two different cultural contents. One is a movie directed by Yukisada Isao in 2001 and the other is a manga by Yoshifumi Kondou in 2002. Even though both of them adapted the same story, their achievement turned out to be totally different. The movie version of GO successfully delivered the characteristics of its original novel. In particular, it keeps a balance between its universality and subjective consciousness. Its use of close relationship with cultural content is also appropriate. In order to emphasize these characteristics of the original novel, this movie was made to have a strong sense of teenager movie and this succeeded in gaining favorable response from general public. On the other hand, the manga version of the same novel was created to have characteristics of school drama. This kind of manga is often a love story between a scrappy boy and a model student. The manga version of GO is no exception. However, this manga failed to deliver the characteristics of the original novel as it attached too much to the grammar of its genre such as rebel and confrontation. As a result, it was unable to gain attention from readers.
2. 이야기가치 분석
1) 보편적 이야기구조의 구현
2) 문화예술을 통한 감성의 교류
3) 일상을 통해 환기되는 주제의식
3. 문화콘텐츠적 활용양상 검토
1) 속도감을 이용한 이야기가치의 증폭
2) 장르적 관습에 의한 이야기가치 제한
4. 결론 : 재일한국인 문학의 확장 가능성