

지역문화 스토리텔링 활성화를 위한 시론(試論)


A Review on Promotion of Storytelling Local Cultures


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The human race has lived listening to and enjoying many stories such as fables, myth, scriptures, folktales, fairy tales and romances. These stories acquired in time elaborate forms and became beautiful narrative literatures like novels. In late 20th century the existing narrative forms partnered with other communication environments and have been expanded to movies, drama, cartoon, musical and animation. Recently these diversified story forms have been more extensively developed into a story genre called “storytelling.” Storytelling now became an important topic not only in the cultural industry but also in public relations of companies and administration of local communities. Especially storytelling, backed by advancement of digital games on the internet, has intensified its usage among people. In this regard storytelling has become a main focus as the cultural industry met its explosive development. Culture contents can produce industrial demand by a single story, but by inter-utilizing it with other contents their values eventually will increase in explosive proportions. This series of process through a medium like storytelling is call ‘OSMU’ (One Source Multi Use). And quite recently, the OSMU concept is being expanded into that of‘ MSMU’(Multi Source Multi Use). A local culture is the identity of a local society, and at the same time a practical resource for the local economy. Therefore, various methods should be devised to maximize its value. Today storytelling that is utilized in public relations and product advertisements could provide a direction in development and cultivation of local cultures. First of all, local folktales and legends could be good ‘source contents’for storytelling of local cultures. Also, places and geographical names associated with their local cultures have a value of concreteness and realism; so they could be an important fortune. Lives and works of local celebrities and artists can be better utilized in storytelling local cultures. Also indigenous products can be made effective brands of the localities. It may also be very productive in storytelling local cultures to intentionally develop and create certain symbols, even if they are not specially related to the localities. As in the case of brand storytelling of companies as well as products, utilizing stories of personal experiences of users(visitors) is another way of storytelling that enhances effectiveness of publicity. Writing activities in the local culture contexts are a foundation to storytelling of local cultures. Those who have stories of experiences or are in charge of planning of local cultures are recommended to express their culture experiences by telling, writing and then storytelling. A local culture is an archetypal(original) space, and at the same time a place of concrete practice to create new culture contents. Writing of local cultures is a base to their storytelling, which should be a driving force to create and develop culture in general.


1. 문제 제기 : 옛날이야기에서 스토리텔링으로
 2. 스토리텔링의 성립과 문화콘텐츠 산업의 확산
  1) 스토리텔링의 의미
  2) 스토리와 스토리텔링의 상관관계
  3) 문화콘텐츠와 스토리텔링
  4) OSMU에서 MSMU로
 3. 브랜드스토리와 지역문화 스토리텔링
  1) 기업의 브랜드스토리 전략
  2) 지역문화의 브랜드스토리 활용과 스토리텔링의 실제
  3) 지역문화 스토리텔링의 특징
 4. 지역문화체험의 스토리텔링 단계
  1) 문화예술 프로그램의 다양한 효과
  2) 체험 고백에서 시작하는 스토리텔링
  3) 말하기에서 글쓰기로 가는 스토리텔링
  4) 지역문화 슬로건 창작 방법과 그 실례
  5) 기대되는 이야기작가-스토리텔러


  • 박덕규 Park, Duk-kyu. 단국대 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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