

창의연극—이야기를 들려주고 꾸며내는 영어교수법


Creative Drama: Storytelling and Storymaking in English Education


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The thesis aims at investigating the educational potentialities of creative drama as an interdisciplinary realm between English teaching method and educational drama by surveying its learning effectiveness, and by exploring the reasons of extracting some of misunderstandings in the process of its expropriation to Korea as well. The misunderstandings have been made by the concepts that educational drama is to teach drama or theatre, and is to teach a kind of curriculum with dramatic techniques and role-play. Dewey W. Chambers in his book, Storytelling and Creative Drama, says that educational drama is not a performance for audience as well as it is not utilized by dramatic techniques and role-play, introducing an approaching method by twelve steps. This thesis also introduces the three classifications in the approaching process of education drama: first, Kase-Polisini classifies it into planning, playing and evaluation; second, Neelands into planning, drama-time and evaluation; third, Renard and Sockol into focus, introduction, preparation(warm-ups & cool downs), directions and activities, discussion, and summary. However, the twelve steps of Chambers' can be explained by Renard and Sockol's classification. According to Chambers' explanations, one can find the educational effectiveness in the followings: 1) Literacy Analysis 2) The Listening Skills 3) Oral Language 4) Creative Thinking 5) Planing: From Abstract to Concrete 6) The Skills of Effective Evaluation. Conclusively speaking, the educational effectiveness should be produced through the process of storytelling and storymaking in action as dramatic experience. That is, creative drama is a kind of teaching method through dramatization, having the educational effectiveness.




  • 한규용 Gyu-Yong Han. 단국대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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