

송파 임식의 생애와 시세계


The Life and poetic world of Songpa Lim, Sik


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Songpa Lim, Sik was a high-spirited, honorable gentleman and extraordinary poet. At the same time, he was good at martial arts. He made friends with Lee, Dal, Choi, Kyong-chang, Yi, I, Ryu, Seong-ryong, and et al. They were all outstanding politicians and literary men at that time, so his friendship with them made him eminent. He was famous for his poems at his time. But most of them were lost during the war(丙亂) and now only a few remain. However, they are well enough to review his personality and poetic nobility. Above all, his 28 poems about chinese history are great, because of their magnanimous, grand scale and historical consciousness. He always kept chinese high-spirited gentlemen in mind, and put his respect about excellent fidelity and divine integrity into his poems. For example, he praised Daeando(戴安道) who enjoyed Seomgae(剡溪) and Hajijang(賀知 章) who lived in the Saneum(山陰) and adored their broad -minded manners and taste for the arts. And his thought was adopted in his poems. Meanwhile, he was a man of noble beliefs and principles and wanted to serve his royal king closely and experience himself, but he didn't. Therefore, his pitiful condition not to make himself a success in the world was reflected on his poems, which looked back over the past men with faith and royalty, and showed his respect to them. For example, he sang Ahn, Jinkyoung's great favor, Kwanwoo's chivalry, Oh, Jaseo's faithfulness, and Jaegalryang's royalty. Through his poems, he showed his statecraft.


1. 머리말
 2. 임식의 생애와 교유
  1) 생애와 인물
  2) 교유
 3. 임식의 시와 시세계
  1) 高節ㆍ高義에 대한 흠앙
  2) 經世ㆍ經綸에 대한 의지
 4. 맺음말


  • 임동철 Lim, Dong-Chol. 충북대학교 국어국문학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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