A Study on the Practice and Tasks of Creativity Education through Parody of Classical Poetry
A Study on the Practice and Tasks of Creativity Education through Parody of Classical Poetry Choi, Hong-won This study was planned to examine the education contents and activities with the goal of boosting creativity. I attempted educational reconceptualization about creativity in order to search for the best way to realize it in Korean language education. In addition, I adopted parody and made use of it as a way to do it. Above all things, I suggested that creativity has appropriacy as well as novelty in essence and the concept in Korean language education should be focussed on psychological creativity rather than historical creativity. Based on the reconceptualization of creativity, parody has something in common with creativity in that it transforms an original thing and makes a new one. Therefore, by analysing the real parody works aimed at Hyang-ga 「Cheoyong-ga」, I could verify the possibility and tasks about it. Furthermore, I proposed the adoption of works of well-known writers for expansion of transformation and creativity, depending on the understanding of works based on the experience of the student and the tendencies of parody outputs. This study has significance in that it establishes the possibility of creativity education using the contents of Korean language education and at the same time, it brings up the limits and tasks by clarifying the realized figure and the possible one of creativity education through analysing the real parody activities.
Ⅱ. 창의성의 교육적 재개념화
Ⅲ. 창의성 신장을 위한 교육 방법으로서 패러디 활동
Ⅳ. 패러디 활동의 설계와 분석
1. 패러디 활동의 설계 및 기획
2. 패러디 활동의 실제와 분석: 「처용가」를 중심으로
Ⅴ. 「처용가」 패러디 활동의 의의와 과제
Ⅵ. 결론을 대신하여