

포스터 발표 : 식품 및 바이오신소재

A Study on Soy Sauce Development using Chitosan According to Different Aging Periods



This study was performed to investigate the changes of amino acid in protein of korean traditional general Kanjang and chitosan added Kanjang according to different aging periods were analyzed quantitatively high performance liquid chromatography. The components of Kanjang. were analyzed at 0, 3, 6 months. The content of amino acid of aged Kanjang was significantly higher than that of initial stage Kanjang. Total content of amino acid chitosan added Kanjang much higher than those of general Kanjang. Glutamic acid was most abundant component amang the amino acid, followed by serine and Glycine. Essence amino acid was the highest chitosan added Kanjang according to different aging periods


  • So Jung KIM Gyeongbuk institute for marine bioindustry.
  • Yun WON KAP Gyeongbuk institute for marine bioindustry.
  • Dong Koong CHOI Gyeongbuk institute for marine bioindustry.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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