

바이오벤처기업 지원을 위한 복합비즈니스 지원시설 요구분석: 경남지역 바이오벤처기업 지원시설 건립을 중심으로


An Analysis of Facilities Requirements for the Bio-Venture Business

정대율, 정기한

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The rapid growth of bio industry and clustering of the bio companies in a region required the business support facilities which have multiple functions and purposes. There are many bio-venture companies in Jinju, Gyeongnam province. The city fostered to cluster them for a decade through the Bio21 Center which established in 2001. The project team was organized for the feasibility test of the BBC(Bio-Business Complex Center) which support business for the regional bio-venture company. They analyzed the functional requirement of the BBC and defined the roles and vision of the BBC. To suggest architectural design and to test economic feasibility of the BBC facilities, the team surveyed the demand of the facilities and analyzed the survey. Two types of questionnaire were designed, for the bio-business companies' CEO and the experts in the regional economy domain, and delivered to gather their opinion. The number of the respondents were 171 in business group and 102 in expert group. From the survey, the team could define the roles and building strategies, and also grasp the demand of the facilities.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 복합비즈니스 지원시설
 Ⅲ. 연구방법
 Ⅳ. 지원시설의 요구분석
 Ⅵ. 결론


  • 정대율 Dae-Yul Chung. 경상대학교 경영대학 경영정보학과 교수
  • 정기한 Ki-Han Cung. 경상대학교 경영대학 경영학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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