


Comenius의 교육신학사상에 관한 연구 - 범지혜와 범교육을 중심으로


A Research on Johann Amos Comenius' Educational Theological Thoughts - with Pansophia and Pampaedia as the Center


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examines Comenius’ educational theological thoughts in the light of Pansophia and Pampaedia. First of all, I take a general review on Comenius, then look into his basic educational concept, ‘characteristics of God, Man, and Nature.’ Lastly, I deal with ‘Pansophia,’ ‘Pampaedia,’ and ‘a method of Pampaedia’ as a pedagogical principle. Known as an educationist, theologian, philosopher, and sense realist to the field of education, Comenius is, most of all, a renowned master of modern pedagogy. Among his numerous works, ‘The Great Didactic’ and 􀁲The Analytical Didactic’ provide wisdom of teaching method to teachers involved in school education, and 􀁲Pampaedia’ introduces his philosophy and method of education. Comenius systemizes a correlation among God, Man, and Nature as a theological theme that promotes whole-person education and development of community. Especially, the three intrinsic abilities of man - thought, language, and behavior - enable every man to realize the essence of knowledge and truth of every object, and eventually to manage a rational, ethical, and godly life. The center of his philosophy is Pansophia, and Pampaedia can be understood as a way to actualize Pansophia. By reaching knowledge, virtue, and piety through Pampaedia of Pansophia, Comenius is eager to be close to God, and to achieve peace in the world.


I. 들어가는 글
 II. 펴는 글
  1. 인물 Comenius
  2. Comenius의 교육신학사상의 신학적 기초
  3. Comenius 교육신학사상
 III. 닫는 글


  • 신현광 Shin, Hyun Kwang. 안양대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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