

Ubiquitous 시대 문화ㆍ취미생활 변화에 따른 실과교육의 방향


Direction of Practical Arts Education According to the Changes in Culture and Hobbies in the Ubiquitous Era


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to discuss the direction of Practical Arts education according to the changes in culture and hobbies in Ubiquitous era, and to provide basic materials for developing curriculum for Practical Arts subject considering cultures and hobbies in Ubiquitous era. Literature review and interviewing experts in Ubiquitous computing technology, as research methods, were utilized to achieve the purpose of this study.The following subjects were discussed in this study; (1) Concepts and characteristics of ubiquitous computing, (2) Technological factors in ubiquitous computing, (3) Applications of ubiquitous computing, (4) Social and cultural characteristics and concept of ubiquitous era, (5) Everyday life changes in ubiquitous era, (6) Discussion in changes of cultures and hobbies in ubiquitous era.The discussed subjects about the direction of Practical Arts education according to the changes in cultures and hobbies in ubiquitous era were as follows: 1. Well-being culture will be elevated; 2. Importance in life and living will be elevated; 3. Extreme aspects of managing hobbies and cultures (cocoons vs. outdoors); and 4. Convenient IT tech. vs. personal info leek.In conclusion, there will be lots of changes in cultures and hobbies in ubiquitous era. However, the roots of cultural life and hobbies will not be changed, but will be better because of ubiquitous computing technologies. Therefore, there should not be much changes in Practical Arts subject due to ubiquitous computing skill. It is possible for us to make the curriculum of Practical Arts subject more humane and basic so that students should be able to use ubiquitous computing skills more wisely in everyday life.


  • 정남용 Chung Nam-Yong


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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