


신화를 통해 본 동아시아 생태문화의 비교론적 고찰


The Research of Comparative Investigation of East Asian Ecological Culture Through Myths


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this research is based on methods of comparative investigation of Korean, Chinese and Japanese ecological culture through myths. Myth in culture is so important because it put in a human archetype in the world. This research has been adapted korean, Chinese and Japanese Culture in ancient myth. In order to research of comparative investigation of East Asia culture, this study has been selected myths of culture items. This research has been proposed the comparative research between Korean culture, Chinese culture and Japanese Culture in order to understand the characteristics of ecological culture for Myths. This paper has been applied to the creative myth and original myth of in the universe. Myth of transformation as the source of cultural context is very useful of understanding about the transmission of East Asian culture from China to Japanese. In result, I have concluded through comparative research of myth that there are active culture communications among Korean, Chanese , Japanese of the ancient East Asia.


  • 김해옥 Kim, Hae Ok. 연세대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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