An Ethnographic Study on the Transferred Teachers' School Adjustment in the Middle School
Every teacher, who works in a public school, inevitably experiences transference to another school at least 7-10 times during his or her whole teaching career. The purposes of this study are to minimize negative influence of the transference on teaching by adapting teachers to the new schools' circumstances as soon as possible, and to suggest clues to how to make up for the weak points of school systems regarding the transference. To achieve these purposes, the researcher inspected two issues. The first issue is what the troubles the teachers who transferred to another school may face are during their adaptation to the new schools. The second issue is what the methods the teachers adopt are to solve the troubles during their adaptation.
The methodology of this study is ethnography. Specifically, the researcher, a teacher of Mirae middle school, analyzed data gathered through observation regarding routine conversation and behaviors of the teachers working in the middle school and also data gathered through non-structured interviews with the teachers. The researcher proceeded with the study from March 2008 to April 2009 approximately for fourteen months. The summarized results of the study are the following.
First, teachers who transferred to another school experience overcharging in work responsibility allocation. Especially, the teachers placed newly within one year are likely to take charge of the most arduous work under the customary way of thinking. Although senior teachers could avoid this tendency, teachers whose career is under 10-15 years could not. Moreover, younger teachers may have bigger troubles because they do not have enough work experiences. Second, one of the troubles the teachers experience is caused by the fact that their own law of inertia dose not work any longer. In each school, there should be some differences in processing works according to school administrators or precedents. Many teachers placed newly may experience troubles or have dissatisfaction when they take care of works based on their familiar ways. In order to cope with these difficulties, the teachers try to fit themselves first into their schools. They also want to grasp the atmosphere of the schools to which they belong as soon as possible because they believe it is the fastest way to reduce their stress. Third, the teachers who transferred to another school often feel loneliness in unfamiliar environment because they do not have deep relationship with colleagues yet. They are ‘Lonely Hunters' who seek significant others and friends among their colleagues. Fourth, the teachers who transferred to another school are in difficulties for students who try to fathom or measure them. Students act rashly on the extent to which they keep ‘Proper Line' when a teacher they know teaches.
However, students observe and test the teachers newly placed through various ways because they want to know where is the ‘Proper Line' between students and new teachers. Fifth, administration office may intentionally impose disadvantages to the newcomers. Each school has unique relationship between administration staffs and teachers. Therefore, the teachers who transferred to another school may face troubles when they work based on the way to which they are accustomed.
Most teachers do not want worse relationship with the administration office. In many cases, the teachers ask consultation to the senior teachers who know well atmosphere of the administration office and they are likely to stand such difficulties by the relationship with administration staffs builds to some extent.
Some of the teachers may ask directly senior teachers to perfume a role of solving.
본 연구에서는 전입교사가 새로운 학교현장에 보다 빠른 시간 내에 적응함으로써 교육활동에 미치게 될 부정적인 영향을 최소화하고 또 학교 제도적인 부분에서는 어떠한 부분을 보완해 주어야 하는 지에 대한 단서를 제시하고자 하는데 목적이 있다. 연구방법은 연구자가 관찰자가 되어 교사들의 일상적인 대화나 행동을 관찰한 것, 비구조화된 면담을 통해 모아진 자료를 정리해 나가는 문화 기술적 방법을 선택하였으며, 연구기간은 2008 년 3 월부터 2009 년 4월까지 약 14개월 동안 진행되었다. 연구결과 전입교사들이 새학교 적응과정에서 겪는 어려움의 첫 번째는 전입교사들에게 오는 ‘바가지 씌우기’업무분장이었다. 두 번째는 학교마다 조금씩 다른 업무처리 과정으로 인해 겪게 되는 곤란이었다. 세 번째는 낯선 환경 속에서 마음을 나눌 수 있는 친구 같은 동료교사 관계를 아직 형성하지 못하여 가지게 되는 외로움이었다. 네 번째는 낯선 전입교사와 학생들과의 관계 형성 과정에서 서로를 알아가는 과정에서 발생하게 되는 어려움이었다. 다섯 번째는 전입교사와 행정실과의 관계에서 발생하는 어려움이었다. 이러한 어려움의 해결을 위해서 첫째 교내 인사에 대한 좀 더 합리적인 업무분장을 위해 세부적인 지침 마련이 이루어져야 한다. 둘째 학교 차원에서 새로운 학교 시스템에 대해 안내하는 친절하고 자세한 오리엔테이션 프로그램 정착이 기본적으로 이루어져야 한다. 셋째 기존 교사들과 전입교사들이 함께 자리하는 비공식적 조직을 학교 차원에서 활성화시켜서 생활지도면이나 학습지도면에서 서로 많은 의견 교환과 토론이 이루어질 수 있도록 한다. 마지막으로 학교 관리자는 상호간에 존중하고 협력하는 건전한 조직풍토가 조성될 수 있도록 이끌어 나가야 할 것이다.
I. 서론
1 . 연구의 필요성
2. 연구 목적 및 연구 문제
II. 연구 방법
1. 연구대상
2. 자료의 수집
III. 새 학교가 주는 어려움과 나름대로의 적응방법
1 . ‘바가지 씌우기’ 업무 분장
2. 더 이상 쓸 수 없는 ‘관성의 법칙’- 업무 처리 방식과 물리적 환경의 차이
3. 마음은 외로운 사냥꾼
4. 떠보고 찔러보고 ‘간’을 보는 학생들
5. 텃새부리는 행정실
IV. 요약 및 결론
1. 요약
2. 결론 및 제언