

영어 이탤릭체(italics)의 기능 및 영한 번역 전략


Functions of Italics and Translation Strategies


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to address two research questions: 1) what are the functions and usage of italics? and 2) what strategies can be deployed to translate italics in English-Korean translation? It is of notable interest that the translation of italics (among many punctuation marks and other graphic devices") in English-Korean translation often invites 'headaches' due to linguistic system differences and that such practical issue has been eglected in the academic discipline of translation studies. As for the specific research process, this paper first classifies the functions of italics into four categories: indication of titles, indication of emphasis, indication of foreign words, and indication of thoughts and unspoken words. Based on the analysis, this paper selects and classifies effective translational strategies and discusses how such strategies can be deployed and what attentions should be paid in the process of translation. The data that serves as a basis for the research is taken from "existing" texts, not contrived ones. The author hopes this research will contribute to offering guidelines for those in the translation profession.


 1. 서론
 2. 이탤릭체의 기능 및 용법
  2.1. 명칭 표시
  2.2. 강조 표시
  2.3. 외국어 표시
  2.4. 마음속 말 표시
 3. 이탤릭체의 번역 전략 및 유의 사항
  3.1. 작은따옴표 사용 전략
  3.2. 겹낫표ㆍ낫표/겹꺾쇠표ㆍ꺾쇠표 사용 전략
  3.3. 수식어(구) 사용 전략
  3.4. 이탤릭체 번역 시 유의 사항
 4. 결론


  • 김도훈 Kim, Do-hun. 부산외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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