Analyse of a French-Korean parallel corpus by the textometry. Language Information.
The parallel corpus is today accepted as a useful tool in the translational studies, because the researchers can observe many translational examples
with the parallel corpus. This paper aims to introduce a statistical method in France, called textometry, which enable to extract translational equivalences from parallel corpora or translation corpora. The textometry execute various statistical methods targeted at textual units (words, phrases, sentences, etc.) in a parallel corpus divided into the tokens. Using quantitative evidences by the textometry, researchers can verify the translational relation of linguistic units in translational texts.
1. 서론
2. 본론
2.1. 텍스트어휘측정법
2.2. 인권 코퍼스corpus Droits
2.3. 인권 코퍼스 분석
3. 결론