

내국인 카지노도입에 대한 제주 지역민 태도 연구


The Analysis of Local Resident attitudes to Tourist Exclusive Casino : In case of Jeju Island

윤지현, 최동석

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Casino gaming is the most rapidly growing force in tourism development in the 1990s. Many research point out its benefits in the form of tax revenues, employment opportunities, tourism and community development undertaken by casinos. Although, it remains controversial as a social policy because of its perceived association with negative impacts such as crime, bankruptcy and traffic congestion. This research has the objective to understand the dimensionality of perception of casino impact and the host community's attitudes toward casino development. The model proposes that support for casino development is influenced by the perceptions of its economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts via conflict and collaboration. Based on the theories proposed the prior studies and social exchange theory, the 8 hypotheses were proposed. As hypothesized, evidence was found to support the direct relationship between the negative socio-cultural/environmental impact and conflict. And inverse relationship existed between positive socio-cultural impact and conflict. Also, positive economic impact had an significant effect on conflict. In case of collaboration, positive economic/socio-cultural impact was found to have an significant effect on it. With the respect to support, it was existed the direct relationship between conflict and it. And inverse relationship existed between conflict and support. These results provide managerial implications for tourism planners and policymakers.


 I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경
  1. 관광과 카지노의 영향
  2. 갈등과 협력, 지지태도 간의 관계
 III. 조사설계
  1. 연구모형
  2. 가설설정
  3. 설문지 구성
  4. 조사 및 분석 방법
 IV. 분석결과
  1. 표본의 특성
  2. 요인분석
  3. 가설 검증
  4. 종합 토의
 V. 결론


  • 윤지현 Jihyun Yun. 백석대학교
  • 최동석 Dongsuk Choi. 경기대학교 관광전문대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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