

인터넷과 여행산업의 유통구조 재편


The Impact of the Internet on Distribution Channels in the Travel Industry


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper deals with the impact of Internet on distribution channels in the travel industry. The travel industry is currently undergoing a major transition in distribution channels as the Internet exerts its power as a new medium for commerce.
In the past, there has been three principal parties in distributing travel products: the travel providers, the GDSs where travel providers display information about their products, and the travel agents. Each party needed the others to perform its business.
The internet is changing all the distribution rules in the travel industry, where distribution has traditionally meant paying GDS's and travel agents certain amount of fees or commission to book their orders. Initially, participants viewed Internet distribution as a threat to travel agents because it gives consumers direct access to a GDS via the Web. However, direct links to the travel providers bypass not only the GDS's and traditional travel agents but also the Internet travel providers.
The advent of online distribution increases the tension between the participants in the travel industry. The various parties would like to drive travel distribution into their own corner.


I. 서론
 Ⅱ. 여행상품의 전통적 유통구조
  1. 전통적 유통구조의 일반적 형태
  2. 전통적 유통구조하의 유통경로 구성원
 Ⅲ. 인터넷 출현에 따른 유통구조의 재편
  1. 인터넷 출현과 전통적 유통구조의 붕괴
  2. 새로운 유통구조의 등장
  3. 새로운 유통구조하의 유통경로 구성원
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 차길수 Gilsoo Cha. 경기대학교 관광학부 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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