

맞벌이 부부의 가사분담이 남편과 부인의 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향


Effects of the Division of Household Labor on the Marital Satisfaction of the Husbands and Wives in Dual-Earner Families

유계숙, 강수향, 오아림, 이주현

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study examined the effects of the division of household labor on the marital satisfaction of husbands and wives in dual-earner families. Data were collected from 193 couples in dual-earner families; the questionnaire measurements were based on recommendations from the literature review. The questionnaire consisted of inquiries concerning gender role attitudes, marital communication efficiency, division of household labor, satisfaction in the division of household labor, and marital satisfaction. Each of these categories had an individual measurement scale that enabled measurement of its impact on marital satisfaction. The major findings of this study are as follows: The couples in dual-earner families showed egalitarian gender role attitudes and high levels of marital communication efficiency. They also reported high levels of satisfaction with their division of household labor and their marital lives. Wives in dual-earner families had more egalitarian gender role attitudes compared with their husbands, and husbands perceived themselves to be investing more time in performing household chores (that is, in the division of household labor) than was perceived by their wives. Husbands were also more satisfied with the division of household labor and marital life compared to their wives. Finally, hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that satisfaction in the division of household labor and in marital communication efficiency (as perceived by the couples) significantly predicted husbands’ marital satisfaction. On the other hand, wives’ age, marital communication efficiency, and the differences in the division of household labor (as perceived by the couples) significantly predicted wives’ marital satisfaction.


 I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경
  1. 맞벌이 부부의 가사분담
  2. 부부의 결혼만족도
  3. 맞벌이 부부의 가사분담과 결혼만족도
 III. 연구방법
  1. 연구대상
  2. 측정도구
  3. 자료 분석 방법
 IV. 연구결과
  1. 맞벌이부부의 성역할태도, 지각된 의사소통효율성, 가사분담 만족도, 결혼만족도의 전반적인 경향
  2. 부부간 성역할태도, 지각된 의사소통효율성,지각된 가사분담에서의 투자비율, 가사분담만족도, 결혼만족도의 차이
  3. 맞벌이부부가 지각한 가사분담 투자비율차이와 가사분담에 대한 만족도가 부부의결혼만족도에 미치는 영향
 V. 결론 및 논의


  • 유계숙 경희대학교
  • 강수향 경희대학교
  • 오아림 경희대학교
  • 이주현 경희대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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