Moderating Effect of Family Strengths on the Effect of Work-Family Conflict on Happiness in Dual-Income Married Couples
This study aimed to explore the moderating effect of family strengths on the effect of work-family conflict on happiness in dual-income married couples. This study included 316 married employees who live in Seoul and have children attending junior high or lower grade schools. A survey was conducted December 1-30, 2018 by distributing questionnaires to child care centers, kindergartens, schools, companies, religious institutions, and other locations. The results are follows. First, in this study, the degree of family→work conflict was higher than that of work→family conflict in dual-income married couples, indicating that role conflict at work is greater due to family role pressures. Second, among the socio-demographic characteristics of dual-career couples, monthly income, family→work conflict (an independent variable), and family problem-solving skills (a moderating variable; a subcategory of family strengths) had a significant impact. In the analysis of the effect of work-family conflict on happiness, the higher the monthly income, the lower the family→work conflict, and the higher the family problem solving ability, the higher the feeling of happiness among dual-income married couples. When the work role conflicts from family life roles were more highly perceived in dual-income married couples. Moreover, family→work conflict and an interaction term of family problem-solving ability were identified as variables that had significant effects on happiness. Third, family problem-solving ability was identified as a moderator buffering the effect of work-family conflict on happiness.
I. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 연구방법
Ⅳ. 연구결과
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언
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