

맞벌이 가정의 일‐가정 양립의 양상과 조화로운 양립의 가능성 탐색 연구


A Qualitative Study on Dual Earner Families’ Work and Family Lives for Ideal Work-Family Balance

김소영, 김선미, 이기영

피인용수 : 8(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This qualitative study focused on the dual earner families’ work and family life to explore the possibility of ideal work-family balance. Seven employed married women and two men were interviewed about their work-family balance during two months in 2010. We described four representative cases of having difficulty in work and life balance. And we identified the three dimensions to make their work-family balance difficult. They are motherhood ideology, ideal worker, and the limit of men’s housework participation. For ideal work-family balance, we suggested alternatives. First, the companies should make various work-life balance programs and allow their workers to use them actively. Second, the government should support the needs of work-life balance and carry out various family-friendly and child care polices. Third, husbands have to participate the housework much more and the model of ‘good’ parents need to be modified.


 I. 문제제기
 II. 선행연구 고찰
  1. 일‐가정 양립 관련 연구
  2. 맞벌이 가정의 일‐가정 양립
 III. 연구방법
  1. 연구절차
  2. 제보자 특성
 IV. 맞벌이 가정이 경험하는 일‐가정양립의 어려움
  1. “양육과 일을 병행한다는 게 정말 힘든 것 같아요”
  2. “회사 나가도 아이들 생각뿐이죠”
  3. “애들이 잃는 게 더 클 거 같아 매일 고민해요” - 아이들 교육을 위해 일을 그만 둬야 하나
  4. “그 시스템이 안 맞았던 시기가 왔던 거죠”- 첫 아이 100일 때 완성된 돌봄 시스템, 지방 근무로 위기를 경험하다.
 V. 일‐가정 양립을 어렵게 하는 요인
  1. 개인: 내면화된 모성 이데올로기
  2. 직장: ‘이상적인(ideal)’ 근로자 상의 존재
  3. 부부: 분담이 어려운 상황들
 VI. 일‐가정 양립은 요원한 일인가?
  1. ‘일’ 또는 ‘가정’이라는 이분법
  2. ‘일 그리고 가정’이 가능한 조건
 VII. 결론 및 논의


  • 김소영 서울대학교 소비자학과
  • 김선미 광주대학교
  • 이기영 서울대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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