

운동하는 몸의 기억과 그 의미: 구리시 노인들의 맨손체조를 중심으로


The memory and meaning of the sporting body: with three old peoples the central figures at the place of "Wangsukchon" in Guri-si


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Since the body mediates all reflection and action upon the world, its centrality to the anthropological endeavor seems assured, but a perusal of the canon of social and cultural anthropology indicates that the body's explicit appearance has been sporadic throughout the history of the discipline. The majority of researchers have in effect simply bracketed the body a black box and set it aside. But, for the field of researching on the education and culture of body we couldn't help considering upon the memory of that body. What is the sporting body traced back in memory? This paper aims to providing an empirical case study of the memory of the
sporting body for the old peoples with Japanese colonial rule's experience. This is my first study in the anthropological approach on the sporting body, work done with three old peoples central figures for two years ago at the place of "Wangsukchon" in Guri-si. The memory and meaning of their bodies is that the experience of colonization has been remained mainly as the correct, docile and uniform motion of body, that the bodies has been recalled the internalization of disciplinary techniques that they had learned in their elementary school in that time. The motion of their bodies depend on their memories and represent the meaning until now. Also the meaning
raised the questions about the signification of physical education and the possibility of extended sports culture. This paper were indebted to their life of the days had a lot of experience in the period of Japanese colonial rule in Korea. I have to thank the three old peoples whom they permit me to observe their exercises in the morning, to record their voices and to have an interview with them at the place of "Wangsukchon".


 들어가는 글
 운동하는 몸의 기억
 조사방법 및 내용
  1. 현지조사: 왕숙천(王宿川) 체육공원
  2. 조사 방법 및 대상자
  3. 조사 내용: 참여관찰 및 심층면접
 맨손체조와 몸의 기억
  1. 정확성, 규율화의 의식
  2. 근대성과 식민화의 교육
  3. 습관화의 내면화
 맺는 말: 운동하는 몸의 의미


  • 김영선 Kim Young-seon. 한국학중앙연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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