

나쓰메 소세키의 『夢十夜』『第二夜』에 나타난 깨달음 고찰


Study on the enlightenment shown in The Second Night in Ten Nights of Dream by Natsume Soseki

나쓰메 소세키의 『몽십야』『제이야』에 나타난 깨달음 고찰

권혁건, 이호규, 황은미

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



What the writer has analyzed so far is as follows; First, Natsume Soseki emphasizes through The Second Night in Ten Nights of Dream and Door that Enlightenment is a process of asceticism which requires persistence and patience, and that we can not attain it without emptying obstinacy, desire and more from our mind and allowing some time. It is thought that he expressed in the novel that it is fundamentally too much for Modern people, who can not overcome the process of asceticism leading to enlightenment through sitting in Zen meditation and are shrouded in distracting thoughts and obsession, to come close to the world of enlightenment. Second, It seems that Natsume Soseki tried to imprint the extremes of desire for the warrior's enlightenment on a person's mind who reads The Second Night in Ten Nights of Dream. Third, it is considered that The Second Night in Ten Nights of Dream describes a warrior who is set in his own opinions to find enlightenment blindly without knowing the painful process of asceticism that he must leave all his desire and obsession behind and strive to concentrate on his way to seek the truth, and the sacred meaning of enlightenment for sure.


1. 서론
 2. 나쓰메 소세키의 참선 체험
 3. 무사와 깨달음
  3-1. 깨달음과 고행
  3-2. 무사와 단도
  3-3. 깨달음과 주지의 목숨
  3-4. 깨달음과 탁상시계 소리
 4. 결론


  • 권혁건 Kwon, Hyuk-Gun. 동의대학교 교수
  • 이호규 Lee, Ho-Gyoo. 동의대학교 교수
  • 황은미 Hwang, Eun-Mi. 동의대학교 대학원생


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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