


경락 마사지를 이용한 다리관리의 임상효과


Clinical effect of the leg civil official who uses the blood vessel Elimbs

최은영, 김나영

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to examine how the meridian system of bio-energy flowing in a living body affects our human body; thereby, it has studied the possibilities of meridian massage for obesity management by conducting meridian massage being widely used for body care to females for lower body care for five weeks.
This article chose 10 female subjects and conducted meridian massage to them in the same environment using the same techniques. Their femoral region was measured by the unit of centimeters, and they received lower body care for five weeks. According to the result of it, the diameter of their thigh decreased as followings: left 1.5 cm and right 0.5 cm in testee 1, left 0.5 and right 0.3 in testee 2, left 0.4 and right 0.2 in testee 3, left 1.5 and right 1 in testee 4, left 0.5 and right 0.5 in testee 5, left 2 and right 2.5 in testee 6, left 0.5 and right 0.3 in testee 7, left 1 and right 0.5 in testee 8, left 1 and right 1 in testee 9, left 0.5 in testee 10. And the diameter of their calf also decreased as followings: left 0.5 in testee 1, left 0.5 in testee 3, left 0.4 and right 0.4 in testee 4, right 0.4 in testee 5, left 1 and right 1 in testee 6, left 0.5 in testee 8, left 0.5 and right 0.5 in testee 9, and left 0.2 and right 0.5 in testee 10.
There were subtle differences among the testees; however, the one showing an effect fastest
indicated decrease up to 0.2 cm each week, and the total decrease reached 2.5cm after five
weeks. It was also found that other testees showed decrease from 0.5 cm up to 1 cm after
five weeks. This study was conducted to figure out how meridian massage being widely used for body care affects women’s lower body management.
Based on the result, it is thought that meridian massage has a positive effect on lower body obesity management. And it is expected that obesity management by dietetic treatment and the use of obesity treatment tools for beauty along with meridian massage will exhibit greater effects.
Moreover, based on the result of this study, it is also considered that continuous interest in and research on the effects of meridian massage being widely used for lower body obesity treatment should continue


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
  1. 하체비만
  2. 경락마사지
  3. 경락 마사지의 유형
  4. 12경락 중 하체와 관련된 경락
 Ⅲ. 연구 방법
  1. 연구대상자
  2. 실험절차
 Ⅳ. 연구결과 및 고찰
 V. 결론


  • 최은영 Eun-Young Choi. 건국대학교 향장생물학과
  • 김나영 Na-Young Kim. 건국대학교 향장생물학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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