

유사의료행위에 관한 법적 검토


Legal Review of Similar Medical Practice

김한나, 김계현

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to review legal problems of similar medical practice and suggest methods of improvement. Similar medical practice refers to all medical practices conducted in the state that human qualification is not fulfilled. It may cause serious damages on health and lives of national people. Currently, similar medical practices are recognized as unlicensed medical practices and prohibited based on the Medical law and additionally punished by then special law in Korea. However, the current Medical Law does not provide clear and accurate concept of medical practices so that it is difficult to regulate similar medical practices. The issue of complementary and alternative therapy related to similar medical practices is also in special state different from other countries. In addition, since similar medical practices lack of evidences in terms of safety, the dangerousness of accidents is high and it may affect badly on health of national people and health care policies. Methods of improvement in order to resolve problems regarding similar medical practices are: first, concept and scope of medical practice should be clear, accurate and concrete. Second, complementary and alternative therapies related to similar medical practices need to be strictly examined and the supervisory right should be given to doctors should be given even though a part of it is allowed. Third, research institutes specialized in the field should be established for scientific examination of complementary and alternative therapy and objective research results should be open to the public. Finally, since damage cases caused by similar medical practices by non-medical personnel, national management and supervision for similar medical practices should be reinforced.


I. 서론
 II. 의료행위와 면허제도
  1. 의료행위의 개념
  2. 의료 관련 면허제도의 의의
 III. 유사의료행위에 관한 검토
  1. 보완대체의료의 의의 및 범주
  2. 국내 의료체계와 보완대체요법
  3. 유사의료행위의 개념 및 유형
 IV. 유사의료행위에 대한 법적규제
  1. 무면허의료행위의 규제에 관한 논의
  2. 유사의료행위에 대한 규제의 근거
  3. 현행법상 유사의료행위에 대한 규제
 V. 법ㆍ정책적 문제점 및 개선방안
  1. 관련 규정의 명확화ㆍ구체화
  2. 의사의 지시ㆍ감독권 강화
  3. 독립적인 전문연구기관의 설립
 VI. 결론


  • 김한나 Kim Han Nah. 의료정책연구소 연구원, 한양대학교 법학과 박사과정
  • 김계현 Kim Kye Hyun. 의료정책연구소 책임연구원, 연세대학교 의료법윤리학과 보건학 박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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