

표준 치료 지침서(Clinical Practice Guideline)의 의료법학적 의의


Medico Legal Aspects of Clinical Practice Guideline


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



With recent emphasis on evidence based medicine, clinical practice guidelines are seen as a potential mechanism by which unify various managerial and professional approaches to improving the quality of care. The development process of guidelines has been the subject of much research. and it is need translating the medical evidence of research into a clinical practice guidelines. the gathered evidence needs to be interpreted into a clinical, public health, policy, or payment context. The term 'clinical practice guidelines' can evoke a diverse range of responses from healthcare personnel. Clinical practice guidelines are increasingly used in patient management but some clinicians are not familiar with their origin or appropriate applications. Understanding the limitations as well as benefits of CPG could enable clinicians to have clearer view of the place of guidelines in every practice. In the context of increasing complaints and litigation in healthcare, the legal implications of clinical practice guidelines are of increasing importance. Clinical practice guidelines could, in theory, influence the manner in which the courts establish negligence by suggesting the doctor breached the duty of care by failing to provide the required standard of medical care. In several studies, the CPGs were relevent to and played a pivotal role in the proof of negligence. Much depends on the quality of guidelines and the tools developed and the authoritativeness of a guideline. Recently, there are several opinions the court also should review the validity and reliability of expert testimony including medical evidence. and widespread use of guidelines in malpractice lawsuit could lead the physicians to greater compliance with guidelines in the long term. In conclusion, Health care reformers, physicians as well as guidelines developers should understand that guidelines have both medical and legal aspects as a double-edges sword. so clinicians, legal representatives and decision-makers should not defer unduly to guidelines.


I. 서론
 II. 표준 치료 지침서(clinical practice guidelines, CPG)
  1. 근거중심의학과 표준 치료 지침서
  2. 표준 치료 지침서의 개발
  3. 표준 치료 지침서의 문제점과 법적 적용의 위험성
  4. 표준 치료 지침서의 적절성 판단 기준
 III. 표준 치료 지침서의 의료법학적 의의
  1. 표준 치료 지침서의 법적 쟁점
  2. 의료소송과 표준 치료 지침서
  3. 과학적 증거의 법적 허용 기준
 IV. 결론


  • 배현아 Bae Hyuna. 이화여자대학교 법과대학 교수, 의사, 법학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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