

지면식 지상건물지의 공간구성과 성격에 대한 연구 - 울산지역 자료를 중심으로 -


Study on the spatial composition and character of above ground buildings built on the ground surface - focusing on material from the Ulsan area -

황대일, 최수형

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently, there has been an increase in the number of excavated archaeological features associated with production or daily life in the Joseon Dynasty, such as pit dwellings, building foundations, ceramic and porcelain kilns. This is also the case for the Ulsan area where buildings, located on the upper sections of hillsides, were found to have been built on the ground surface in plots which were divided by‘ㄱ’and‘ ’shaped ditches. However, no notable archaeological research has been carried out on this material until now.
This paper examined and analyzed 60 buildings, investigated in the Ulsan area, which were built on the ground surface and date to the Joseon Dynasty. Classification was also carried out according to building plan. The spatial composition of the classified buildings were examined by comparing hearth location, as well as by using folklore data. Attempts were also made to restore building structures by looking at the architectural foundations and folklore data. The function and character of the buildings were inferred through structural features, building scale, and related records.
The structure of the ground surface buildings were classified into the‘ㅡ’type and ‘ㄱ’type, according to floor shape of the rooms, each of which consisted of one bay. The ‘ㅡ’type was further divided into those which could be entered from one side or both sides, according to the number of the bays. Pillars could be classified into the standing pole(gullibju) type and foundation stone(choseok) type‘. ㅡ’type buildings entered from one side were used as the room far-off from the fireplace, the hostess's room, and the kitchen.‘ ㅡ’type buildings entered from both sides were used as the woman's living room, the hostess's room, the kitchen, the host's room, the main floor and the kitchen. ‘ㄱ’type buildings were used as the hostess's room, the main floor, the opposite room, and the kitchen. Possible functions of the buildings were inferred from the results of the spatial reconstruction and structural characteristics; they were seen to have functioned as residences, public meeting places, and storehouses. Social status was inferred through building size, floor shape, method of pillar construction, and related records.
Ground surface buildings appear to have been used as housing for the lower classes, and if future excavations can produce more information, it may be possible to concretely reconstruct the structure and function of the buildings through comparative analysis with
other architectural and folklore data.


최근 조선시대 수혈주거지ㆍ건물지ㆍ기와ㆍ자기가마 등 생활ㆍ생산유구의 조사예가 증가되고 있다. 울산지역에서도 조선시대 생활유적과 관련된 발굴조사가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 특히 구릉지역 상단부에‘ㄱ’자형 또는‘ ’자형의 溝로 구획한 후 내부에 건물이 설치된 구조의 지면식 지상건물지가 복합유적으로 확인되고 있지만, 현재까지 고고학적으로 주목할 만한 연구성과는 없다.
본고에서는 울산지역에서 조사된 조선시대 지면식 지상건물지 60기를 정리ㆍ분석하여 건물의 평면형태에 따라 분류를 시도하였다. 분류된 자료를 아궁이의 위치와 민속 자료를 비교ㆍ검토하여 건물 각 칸에 대한 공간구성(공간이용 방식)을 검토하였다. 그리고 건물지의 구조적 특징과 규모, 문헌자료를 통해 기능과 성격에 대해 추론해 보았다.
건물지의 평면형태는 1칸으로 구성된 방의 모양에 따라 一자형과 ㄱ자형으로 분류된다. 一자형은 측면 칸 수에 따라 외통형과 양통형으로 세분된다. 기둥자리는 축조형태에 따라 굴립주식과 초석식으로 분류된다. 공간구성에 있어서 외통형은 윗방ㆍ안방ㆍ 부엌, 양통형은 규방ㆍ안방ㆍ부엌ㆍ사랑방ㆍ마루ㆍ부엌방, ㄱ자형은 안방ㆍ마루ㆍ 건넌방ㆍ부엌으로 구성된다. 건물지의 구조적 특징과 공간구성을 통해 얻어진 결과를 바탕으로 개별 건물지에 대한 기능을 살펴보았으며, 주거용, 공공집회소, 창고 등으로 추론하였다. 건물지에서 확인된 평면형태, 기둥자리의 축조형태, 규모, 문헌자료를 통해 건물지에 대한 신분의 위치와 차이에 대해서도 살펴보았다.
하층민의 주거형태 즉 민가의 모습으로 추정되는 지면식 지상건물지가 앞으로 고고학적인 자료가 증가된다면 건축ㆍ민속자료와 비교ㆍ검토를 통하여 건물의 구조와 기능이 구체적으로 복원될 수 있을 것이다.


 Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 지면식 지상건물지 발굴조사 사례
  1. 지상식건물지의 개념
  2. 유적의 검토
 Ⅲ. 지면식 지상건물지의 구조와 공간구성 및 성격 검토
  1. 입지
  2. 평면형태
  3. 기둥자리 축조형태
  4. 공간구성
  5. 기능과 성격
 Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 황대일 Dae-Il Hwang. (재)울산문화재연구원 연구원
  • 최수형 Su-Hyoung Choi. (재)울산문화재연구원 연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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